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What's Available?

this page is updated after every sale

please see our sales policies on each breed/species page

*Trades possible when mentioned.

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Reserves open/waitlists


available 650 possibly bred nubian doe 1 year old gold.

please see breeding plans and waitlists

sold list




Dolly- heifer under 46 inches non chondro, polled, red pha negative 2500- SOLD


Silver Shod- white dexter dun points 2500 non chondro a2a2 horned- SOLD




aries teapot exposed in febuary to southern grace espresso shot- 700 SOLD


SOLD- nigerian buck kid-castrated blue eyed giraffe polled buckskin with moonspots


sold-Bug- lamancha doe in milk had twins 1 DOA 1 reserved prior to birth  so wont leave with her. making about 32 oz a day with 2 milkings. milk stand trained. 

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